One of the top rated towing companies of North Carolina

Are you looking for the towing service on which you can rely on at any time? I-Haul is one of the popular towing companies that are accompanied by all the towing equipments required for towing assistance. You don’t need to worry about any kind of roadside assistance, vehicle recovery, equipment hauling or any service related to towing.

Having a professional and disciplined team at I-Haul adds more clients to their basket. The team of I-haul attends its customers with complete dedication and respond to all their queries and calls. The services that we offer are secured and safe. All kinds of towing services are offered here whether its car or truck. The rates that we offer for towing services are quite economical.

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Whenever you feel like seeking help to tow your vehicle, we are here for 24×7 to serve you at our best. Our team has a fast turnaround time that is liked by many of our clients and we take special care of each client at any location in the city. All you need is call at I-haul towing and transporting services.

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You are going to get fast response of your calls

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I-Haul is made up of a team of dedicated professionals.

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We are the best towing services at reasonable rates in North Carolina.



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Intercoastal Towing
6409 Amsterdam Way
Wilmington, NC 28405

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Toll Free: 1-855- IHAULNC
Office: 910-518- 6088
Mobile: (910) 352-6388

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Don’t Forget We Are Available 24/7 For Your Towing Emergencies!

800 – 500

900 – 300

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Family Owned & Operated

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GPS Tracking On Trucks

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Audio & Video Lot Security

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Security Guard On Duty

[trx_googlemap address=”Intercoastal Towing 6409 Amsterdam Way Wilmington, NC 28405″ latlng=”34.260127,-77.848025″ style=”style1″ height=”300″ top=”0″ bottom=”0″ left=”0″ right=”0″]
Call Now: (919) 295-9020